Hosting Guild : Pensacola Quilters Guild, Pensacola, FL
Directions when heading from locations to the west: Drive on I-10 to Pensacola Take the I-110 interchange South towards Pensacola Beach Exit on right at Fairfield Drive, exit #4 Turn Left onto Fairfield Drive Turn Right on 12th Avenue The church is on the left approximately 1 mile ahead
Directions when heading from locations to the west:
Drive on I-10 to Pensacola
Take the I-110 interchange South towards Pensacola Beach
Exit on right at Fairfield Drive, exit #4
Turn Left onto Fairfield Drive
Turn Right on 12th Avenue
The church is on the left approximately 1 mile ahead
Maps for nearby food/restaurants will be available at the meeting.
Guest Speaker - Cindy Grisdela: Free Motion Quilting With Style
You’ve gotten comfortable with stippling. What’s next? Are you curious about adding interesting motifs to your free motion quilting? Cindy Grisdela shows you how in this fun lecture. Put different motifs in different areas of your quilt or mix it up all in the same space! Cindy uses her quilts as examples to give you ideas you can put to use in your next quilt.
Block of rooms at the Marriott Towne Place Suites at 481 Creighton Road. 10 rooms available at $119/night that have a queen bed and sofa bed. Those room rates cover both Thursday night and Friday night if people come for both workshops. That is a good deal during spring break! The deadline to make those reservations is March 10th. The reservations are by Individual Call-In at 1-888-236-2427 - the member must request to book “Gulf States Quilting Association group rate at the TownePlace Suites Pensacola.
Charity: Donations of non-perishable food items or money to support the Epps Christian Center Feeding Program. The cost of groceries is high today and our hosting church works with the Epps Center to assist in getting food to low-income families.
Excellent items for donation: peanut butter, canned vegetables/fruit, brown rice, whole grain pasta, canned beans, canned soup/stew.
Avoid foods that require refrigeration or the addition of meat or milk.
Gulf States Quilting Association (GSQA)